Find reading programs that match your state, district, school, or classroom needs while meeting the national ESSA evidence standards.
K – 4
Whole-school approach using cooperative learning and tutoring
K, 1
One-to-one tutoring by paraprofessionals
One-to-two tutoring
2 – 5
K – 2
Small group and one-to-one tutoring with a multi-sensory approach
A push-in model that provides districts with part-time tutors who work with students one-on-one in the back of the classroom throughout the school year.
One-to-one tutoring by highly trained teachers
K – 1
Distance coaching for one-to-one tutors
A tutoring model that provides one-on-one or one-on-two reading interventions for students in grades K-3, using AmeriCorps members who embed into the school day.
An explicit, systematic reading intervention program delivered in Spanish for EL learners at-risk for reading difficulties
Multi-tiered literacy instruction
Blended learning program that promotes literacy among struggling and non-proficient adolescent readers through online student-driven instruction and offline teacher-delivered lessons and activities
6 – 10
A family of programs emphasizing step-by-step strategies
6 – 9
Struggling readers receive teacher instruction, computer-assisted instruction, and small-group work
4 – 5
Coaching for teachers of English learners on Questioning the Author