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6 – 9

READ 180 – Secondary Reading

Essa Rating
No. Studies
No. Students
Average Effect Size

Program Description

READ 180 is a blended learning program designed for struggling readers who are reading 2 or more years below grade level. It combines online and direct instruction, student assessment, and teacher professional development. READ 180 is delivered in 45- to 90-minute sessions that include whole-group instruction, three small-group rotations, and whole-class wrap-up. Small-group rotations include individualized instruction using an adaptive computer application, small-group instruction with a teacher, and independent reading. READ 180 is designed for students in elementary through high school (grades 4 through 12).

Program Outcomes

Five studies of READ 180 met inclusion standards. Two of these had statistically significant positive effects in comparison to control groups, qualifying READ 180 for the ESSA “Strong” category. These were studies in Western Massachusetts (effect size =+0.18) and Milwaukee (effect size =+0.14). A Florida study found positive outcomes for students at moderate risk, but negative effects for students at high risk, with an average effect size of +0.12. Studies in Newark (NJ) and Memphis found no differences. The average effect size across all studies was a modest +0.08.

Staffing Requirements

An additional READ 180 teacher is needed.

Professional Development/Training

Teachers receive at least one day of professional development. Additional days are available for purchase.


At least one device (desktop, laptop, or tablet with internet connections) is needed for every three students. An interactive whiteboard is also recommended.