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Family Engagement grades studied



Essa Rating
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Average Effect Size

Program Description

TalkingPoints provides an education multilingual communication platform designed to connect and empower families and teachers by using human and AI-powered, two-way translated communication and personalized content. This family engagement messaging platform leverages classroom communications, school and district messaging, analytics and dashboards, and translation features to foster meaningful relationships between families and schools to drive positive student outcomes.

Program Outcomes

The impact of TalkingPoints was evaluated using a difference-in-differences study design in a large urban school district. We report on the findings from the Smarter Balanced Assessment System. Results for students in grades 3-8 showed significant improvements in math scores, with an 8.7-point increase (effect size = +0.08). Gains in English language arts (ELA) scores were positive but not statistically significant (effect size = +0.04). This retrospective quasi-experiment qualifies TalkingPoints for the ESSA Tier 2 (Promising Evidence) rating.

Staffing Requirements

No additional staffing required.

Professional Development/Training

There are no PD or training requirements for use. Individual teacher accounts are provided with in-app coaching and guidance, while school and district accounts have in-app coaching with the opportunity for additional guided implementation and PD available.


For educators and school and district administrators, the platform is available via web or mobile apps. Families need only a simple cellular phone with basic text messaging, an email address or the web or mobile app to participate.