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Springboard Summer

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Program Description

Springboard Collaborative coaches educators and parents to help kids learn to read by 4th grade. Springboard Collaborative does this through coaching district teachers (PK-3) to run their 5-10 week playbook, which combines:

  • Small group literacy instruction using lessons that align to the Science of Reading
  • Workshops that support families to become confident at-home reading coaches
  • Professional development for teachers that boosts their ability to engage families as partners in teaching and learning.

Program Outcomes

The impact of the Springboard Summer Reading Program was evaluated in a retrospective quasi-experimental study involving 628 rising kindergarten through fourth-grade students from one New York school district. These districts were selected based on their high fidelity to the Springboard program model. The study compared students who participated in Springboard Summer with non-participating students within the same district. The evaluation used district-administered reading assessments to measure reading growth.  Across all grades, when comparing participants to matched non-participants, Springboard Summer showed significant impacts from the end of the school year to the beginning of the following school year (effect size = +0.33) . The largest gains were observed among students who started below grade level. These statistically significant impacts qualify the Springboard Summer Reading Program for an ESSA Tier 3 “Promising Evidence” rating.

Staffing Requirements

No additional staffing required.

Professional Development/Training

Springboard Collaborative’s programming relies heavily on PD/training. There are four arms to their PD/training:
1. Increasing high-quality instruction at home and school to help students reach reading goals
2. Equipping family members to be effective reading coaches by delivering one-on-one literacy support at home
3. Developing teachers as instructors through training, Professional Learning Communities, and coaching on data-driven instruction and family engagement
4. Guiding site leaders through a management training program.

Time designated for each arm is variable based on school district and Springboard program being implemented. Springboard Collaborative’s Playbook coaches district teachers for 5-10 weeks.


None required.