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Reading grades studied

2 – 5

QuickReads — Whole Class

Essa Rating
No. Studies
No. Students
Average Effect Size

Program Description

QuickReads-Whole Class (not to be confused with QuickReads Tutoring, a one-to-two tutoring approach) is a supplemental fluency instruction given to students in grades 2-5 for 15 minutes each day. QuickReads uses a “gradual release of responsibility” in which teachers read a passage to students, students read it silently, and then students read it under timed conditions.

Program Outcomes

One study evaluated QuickReads-Whole Class. On Gates tests, the average effect size was +0.21, qualifying QuickReads-Whole Class for the ESSA “Strong” category. A comparison of print plus technology and print-only variations found that both were equally effective compared to controls.