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Exact Path – Math

Essa Rating
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Average Effect Size

Program Description

Exact Path is a personalized learning program for K-12 learners, designed to accelerate, measure, and report student achievement in Math and English Language Arts standards. It offers individualized learning paths, adaptive diagnostic assessments, and educator-led interventions to address the diverse needs of all learners. The program provides flexible assessment options to personalize learning paths by using Exact Path’s diagnostic assessment or integrating with NWEA MAP® Growth™, Renaissance Star® assessments, or select state assessments.

Program Outcomes

The impact of Edmentum’s Exact Path personalized learning platform was examined in a quasi-experimental study conducted during the 2023–24 academic year in Duval County Public Schools (DCPS), Florida. The study evaluated the effects of the program on 6th-grade students’ English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics achievement using the Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST). The study included nearly 10,000 students (4,597 in the math analysis, 4,367 in the reading analysis), with a diverse demographic composition: 42% African American, 15% Hispanic, 33% White, 47% economically disadvantaged, 22% Exceptional Student Education (ESE), and 5% English Language Learners (ELL). The intervention group consisted of students who engaged with at least one Exact Path lesson, while the comparison group included students who only completed the diagnostic assessment. Results indicated that Exact Path had a statistically significant positive effect on both Mathematics (effect size = +0.06) and ELA (effect size = +0.16), with students in the intervention group outperforming their peers. The findings qualify Exact Path for a Moderate ESSA rating.

Staffing Requirements

Exact Path is implemented by a district’s current teachers, school leaders, and district leaders with guidance provided by Edmentum’s dedicated Customer Success Managers. No additional staffing is required.

Professional Development/Training

Edmentum offers a wide variety of professional development opportunities. To help foster a continuous learning environment for districts, Professional Services Team—in alliance with subject matter coaches and professionals—will offer dedicated professional development focused on how to elevate instructional practices.


Exact Path operates on all commonly used devices and browsers in school districts. It does not require additional technology applications or devices.