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Math grades studied

7 – 8


Essa Rating
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Average Effect Size

Program Description

eMINTS (enhancing Missouri’s Instructional Networked Teaching Strategies) is a professional development approach designed to promote inquiry-based learning, high-quality lesson design, and technology-rich learning environments, as well as to build community among teachers and students. Classes have interactive whiteboards, LCD projectors, and a 1:1 ratio of students to computers. Professional development is provided to principals, technology coordinators, and classroom teachers in middle schools. In particular, to design high-quality inquiry-based lesson plans, implement inquiry-based learning strategies, build community among teachers and students, and integrate technology into classroom teaching. The model also has a strong emphasis on helping principals understand and lead the program implementation and carry out teacher observations to support teachers’ instructional performance.

Program Outcomes

A large 3-year study in schools across rural Missouri evaluated reading and math outcomes of eMINTS in comparison to traditional control schools. No differences were found in reading, but there were statistically significant outcomes on state math measures, with an effect size of +0.15. This qualified eMINTS for the ESSA “Strong” category.

Professional Development/Training

Teachers receive about 240 hours of face-to-face professional development over two years. Conference workshops vary from 1-hour, ½ day, whole day, and even multi-day series depending on schedule and needs of school.