Program Description
Curiosity Corner is a full-day prekindergarten approach designed to develop the skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed for later school success, with an emphasis on literacy and language. It provides teachers with 38 weekly thematic units that include sequential daily activities emphasizing cooperative learning, as well as extensive training and coaching.
Program Outcomes
Two cluster randomized experiments have evaluated Curiosity Corner. A New Jersey study found positive effects of Curiosity Corner on Expressive Language (effect size=+0.24), but not on receptive language (effect size=+0.06). In a PCER study, Curiosity Corner found non-significant positive effects on the Test of Early Reading Ability (TERA), Woodcock-Johnson Letter-Word Identification and Spelling, and CTOPP Phonological Awareness. However, at kindergarten follow-up, significant positive effects were found on TERA (effect size=+0.43), and Letter-Word ID (effect size=+0.43), and non-significant positive effects were seen on spelling, CTOPP, PPVT, and TOLD, for an average of +0.27. These follow-up outcomes, with less than 350 students, qualified Curiosity Corner for the ESSA “Promising” category.
Staffing Requirements
No additional staff needed.
Professional Development/Training
Professional development is provided through a combination of onsite workshops, email and phone support, online resources, and onsite observation and consultation. Two initial training workshop days are required to begin implementation. In-school coaching and online support may be arranged afterwards.
Curiosity Corner 2nd Edition (CC2) interactive whiteboard lessons are provided as HTML files on a flash drive. School and District customers can use the lessons by accessing them on the flash drive and do not need to transfer them to their computer/network. Up to 4GB of hard drive space may be needed to download updated lesson files. For full utilization of the CC2 program, an interactive whiteboard/projector as well as a computer with speakers are needed in each classroom. Recommend a PC with Windows 7 above or a MAC with Mac OS 10.6.8 and above. Also recommend a broadband internet connection of at least 1.5 Mbps to download updates.
Curiosity Corner can also be used without technology.