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Science grades studied


Connect Science

Essa Rating
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Average Effect Size

Program Description

Connect Science is a curricular approach designed to prepare teachers to use Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) instructional practices, teach social and collaborative skills, and facilitate a service-learning experience in their science class. The sequence of 31 lessons are typically taught over 14 weeks or more; they replace existing fourth grade science units and can be integrated with other content instruction.

Program Outcomes

Connect Science (CS) was evaluated in a cluster randomized study with 41 fourth grade classrooms in a large public school district in the South Central U.S. Teachers assigned to Connect Science participated in four days of professional development during the summer and were provided with a manual that included the CS lessons, a box of science materials (e.g., batteries, bulbs, fan), and trade books to accompany lessons. Teachers implemented 30 CS lessons, each lasting between 30 and 50 min, over a 14–22-week period, whereas the control teachers used local curricula to meet the same science standards. Students in Connect Science classrooms scored significantly higher on a science achievement measure than students receiving business-as-usual science instruction (effect size = +0.36), earning Connect Science an ESSA Strong rating.

Staffing Requirements

No additional staffing requirements.

Professional Development/Training

Connect Science offers interactive training on  high quality service-learning instruction, integration of social emotional learning into academics and best practices in teaching energy to elementary students. The professional development sequence is:

·       Four days of professional development prior to implementation,

·       One day after implementing with students has begun

·       A half-hour-an hour coaching session (with a second session available upon request),

·       One ½ day Reflective Practice session after implementation with students has ended.

All participants receive a manual that includes the 31 CS lessons, an example calendar for implementation, a kit of science materials (e.g., solar panels, motors, fans), and trade books to accompany lessons.


Teachers will need computers to access the web for videos, resources etc.