Program Description
Check, Connect, and Expect is a targeted intervention focused on students with behavior problems. The program combines principles of the Check & Connect program and the Behavior Education Program, emphasizing daily monitoring for school risk factors, positive relationships with adult mentors, regular feedback on behavior, and problem solving to reach daily and weekly behavior goals. The program leverages district-employed coaches and behavior specialists as mentors and support staff.
Program Outcomes
Cheney et al. (2009) evaluated the Check, Connect, and Expect intervention in 18 western Washington schools with elementary students who were at risk of severe behavioral problems. Schools were matched and then randomly assigned to Check, Connect, and Expect or a control condition. The 159 participating students were mostly non-Hispanic White (52%) and of low-income backgrounds (53% FRL).
The evaluation measured students’ disruptive behavior, social skills, and anxiety/depression as assessed by teachers. The study found significantly positive effects for internalizing behaviors (ES=+0.51), qualifying Check, Connect, and Expect for the ESSA “Strong” rating for Emotional Well-Being. There were also positive results for reading (ES=+0.28) and problem behaviors (ES=+0.29). These differences were significant at the student level and therefore qualified for the ESSA “Promising” rating in the academic and problem behavior categories. Check, Connect and Expect didn’t show significant effects on externalizing behaviors (ES=+0.11) or social skills (ES=+0.05).
Staffing Requirements
Each school requires a coach (a paraprofessional) who serves as a mentor and works 6.5 hour days. In addition, a full-time master’s level behavior specialist supervises the coaches.
Professional Development/Training
Check, Connect, and Expect’s Internet-based data system.