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Catapult Learning’s Educational Services

Essa Rating
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Average Effect Size

Program Description

Catapult Learning’s Wraparound Supplemental Educational Services program provides comprehensive academic and support services to K-12 students. The program includes systematic, small-group instruction in literacy and math through the AchieveLiteracy and AchieveMath curricula, which emphasize explicit, research-based strategies to improve students’ skills and confidence. In addition to academic instruction, the program offers counseling services to address students’ social and emotional needs and special education support to accommodate diverse learning requirements. Delivered in a structured environment with a low student-to-teacher ratio, the program aims to accelerate academic achievement while fostering a supportive learning atmosphere.

Program Outcomes

The impact of Catapult Learning’s Wraparound Supplemental Educational Services was examined in a quasi-experimental study conducted during the 2023–24 academic year in a large parochial school district. The overall study included 385 middle school students (Grades 6–8) receiving services and 385 matched comparison students. The math analysis included 388 students, with 82% identified as Hispanic, 11% as Black, 4% as White, and 78% were economically disadvantaged. Students in the intervention group significantly outperformed their matched peers on the NWEA MAP Growth math assessment (effect size =+0.21). Subgroup analyses revealed notable gains for Hispanic, female, and Title I students, demonstrating the program’s targeted impact on these demographics. The program receives a Moderate, ESSA Tier 2 rating for math achievement.

Staffing Requirements

All staff are at minimum college degreed with the following criteria by service type:

  • Instruction: State compliant certification at point of hire/placement in schools
  • Counseling: Required counseling certification registered in compliance with state law and/or MSW
  • Coaching: 2 years coaching experience in K-8 space at point of hire and placement within schools

Professional Development/Training

All staff are required to complete pre-service training as part of their onboarding as Catapult staff. Additional ongoing training is also required as continued professional development for each service type staff member.


There is no required technology component to the program model or the delivery of services.