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Reading grades studied

4 – 5

Content-Focused Coaching — Whole Class

Essa Rating
No. Studies
No. Students
Average Effect Size

Program Description

Content-Focused Coaching (CFC) is a professional development approach in which district coaches provide in-class demonstrations, weekly grade-level meetings, and individual monthly visits to all teachers each month for co-teaching, observation, and feedback. The coaches themselves receive extensive training in the literacy strategies and in coaching methods. The literacy strategies are drawn from Question the Author.  That is, teachers learn to pose questions to students to promote understanding, interpretation, and active response. Students are encouraged to challenge each others’ interpretations and challenge the authors, identifying places in texts in which they want to know more.

Program Outcomes

One large two-year study evaluated Content-Focused Coaching in an urban district in the Southwest. Compared to control groups, fourth and fifth graders who received CFC scored significantly higher, with an effect size of +0.29. The effect size was +0.46 for English learners and +0.18 for non-English learners. These outcomes qualified CFC for the ESSA “Strong” category.

Staffing Requirements

No additional staff needed.

Professional Development/Training

Schools receive professional development and coaching from trained coaches, about 15 days per year for 2 years.


None needed.