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Attendance grades studied


Talent Development High School (TDHS)- Attendance

Essa Rating
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No. Students
Average Effect Size

Program Description

The Talent Development High School is a program intended to improve achievement and attendance for 9th graders in high-poverty urban schools. It provides schools with professional development to help them implement the following: 1) small interdisciplinary learning communities within the 9th grade, 2) curricula in English and mathematics based on “double dose” English and math courses, “freshman seminars” focusing on study skills and time management, career academies, and cooperative learning, 3) extra help for struggling students, and 4) parent and community involvement activities.

Program Outcomes

A study of the Talent Development High School was carried out in Philadelphia by Kemple, Herlihy, & Smith (2005). It compared five Talent Development schools to six matched control schools on district-administered measures of achievement and attendance. Up to three cohorts in each school received the program over a 3-year period. Adjusting for prior attendance, the attendance outcomes had an average effect size of +0.17. This was significant at the student level, but not at the school level, and qualified Talent Development High Schools for the ESSA “Promising” level.

Staffing Requirements

An additional teacher-level facilitator is required.

Professional Development/Training

Extensive professional development is provided, both initial training and ongoing coaching.


No technology is required