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EveryDay Intervention (Formerly InClass Today and EveryDay Labs)

Essa Rating
No. Studies
No. Students
Average Effect Size

Program Description

The EveryDay Intevention (formerly InClassToday) Absence Reports Intervention partners with schools and districts to reduce absenteeism by delivering Absence Reports to parents and guardians with actionable, personalized information about their student’s attendance. After establishing a district partnership and securely receiving attendance data, EveryDay Intervention runs analyses to identify students who are at risk of being chronically absent and most likely to benefit from the program. They generate personalized Absence Reports with content tailored for each student and mail them directly to the parents/guardians.

Program Outcomes

Rogers & Feller (2018) carried out a randomized evaluation of the Absence Reports intervention in elementary and secondary schools in Philadelphia. The total N was 28,080; 53% of students were African American, 19% Hispanic, and 14% White. Students at risk for absenteeism were randomly assigned to treatment or control. Effects on absences were statistically significant (ES=+0.19). Robinson, Lee, Dearing, & Rogers (2018) did a replication study in 10 urban, suburban, and rural elementary districts in a large California county. Students determined to be at risk for absenteeism (n=10,504) were randomly assigned to receive Absence Reports, or to a control group. Effects on reducing absences were statistically significant (ES=+0.10). The weighted mean effect size across the two studies was +0.16. Both studies qualified the EveryDay Intervention Absence Reports intervention for an ESSA “Strong” rating.

Staffing Requirements

Minimal; one district staff member to support program implementation (approximately 30 min/week); one district-level data staff member to support data transfer to EveryDay Intervention (< 3 hrs total work)

Professional Development/Training

Minimal; none required aside from the staffing requirements described above.


None required