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Early Warning Intervention and Monitoring System (EWIMS)

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Program Description

The Early Warning Intervention and Monitoring System (EWIMS) is a systematic approach used by dedicated teams of school staff to identify students at risk of not graduating on time, assign students to interventions, and monitor their progress. The indicators used to identify students at risk are engagement (attendance), behavior (suspension), and course performance (grades and credits). The EWIMS model is intended to help schools efficiently use data to both identify the at-risk population and provide targeted support, strengthening student persistence and progress in school and ultimately improving on-time graduation rates.

Program Outcomes

An evaluation by Faria et al. (2017) tested the impact of the Early Warning Intervention and Monitoring System (EWIMS) on 35,888 students in grades 9 and 10 after one year of implementation. Seventy-three high schools in three Midwestern states were randomly assigned to implement EWIMS or to continue their usual practices for identifying and supporting students at risk of not graduating on time. The percentage of students who were chronically absent was significantly lower in EWIMS schools (effect size =  +0.23), qualifying EWIMS for ESSA’s “Strong” category. There were also positive effects on course failures.

Staffing Requirements

Schools establish a team to lead and carry out the EWIMS process.

Professional Development/Training

A combination of in-person trainings (regional training, early warning data tool training, and 3 site visits) and online trainings (early warning data tool refresher and Web-Shares) were provided. Technical assistance liaisons provide the training and support throughout the program implementation.


No technology required