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Family Engagement grades studied


Parent Teacher Home Visits

Essa Rating
No. Studies
No. Students
Average Effect Size
Essa Rating
No. Studies
No. Students
Average Effect Size
Essa Rating
No. Studies
No. Students
Average Effect Size

Program Description

Parent Teacher Home Visits model was co-created by parents and educators using the community organizing principles of shared leadership. Participating teachers conduct 30-40 minute home visits in which educators listen, ask questions, and make observations that they can take back to their classrooms to improve instruction for the learner. As a two-visit model, PTHV encourages the first relationship-building visit to occur in the summer or early fall, followed by ongoing communication throughout the year and a second visit that focuses on academics or any other relevant issue to the student or family. The PTHV model has five non-negotiables:

  • Visits are voluntary and arranged in advance
  • Teachers are trained and compensated for visits
  • Visits focus on hopes and dreams
  • Educators visit a cross-section of students (not a targeted intervention)
  • Educators go in pairs and reflect

Program Outcomes

A 2021 study by the Regional Education Laboratory of the Mid-Atlantic at Mathematica used a quasi-experimental study design using matched comparison group propensity scores to investigate the impacts of structured relationship-building teacher home visits conducted in grades 1–5 as part of a family engagement program in the District of Columbia Public Schools. During the school year following a home visit, the study found that, on average, a home visit significantly improved student attendance slightly (ES = +0.02). The attendance rate averaged 95.28 percent for visited students and 94.93 percent for nonvisited comparison students. The study also found significant improvements in math scores on standardized tests (ES = +0.11), although no difference in ELA scores. Finally, results showed that a home visit before the start of the school year reduced the likelihood of a student having a disciplinary incident in that school year. During the school year following a home visit, 9.27 percent of visited students had a disciplinary incident compared with 12.22 percent of non-visited comparison students (effect size = +0.10).

Staffing Requirements

No additional staffing required.

Professional Development/Training

None required.


None required.